Properties are commonly advertised through realtor web sites, internet home search/listing services, classified advertising and real estate guides. Advertising efforts through office and MLS tours are a good way of getting other buyer agents to view your home and to promote it to the buyers they are working with.
Even with all these advertising avenues, “For Sale” signs on front lawns are still remarkably effective.
When appropriate, and with your permission, I may suggest a mailing about your property to neighbours. Sometimes one of them has a friend or relative who has always wanted to live near them. You never know how effective word-of-mouth advertising can be to friends, relatives and neighbours.
Open House Tips
To prepare your home for viewing, make it as bright, clean, cheerful and serene as possible. Always look at your home from the buyer’s point of view. It’s best if you’re not present, because it will inhibit potential buyers in their actions and conversations. They won’t feel free to open closets and cabinets, test out the plumbing and discuss their observations objectively as they walk through the house. It goes without saying that your children and pets should not be on the premises either.
If I have scheduled an open house, you may want to notify the neighbors, and assure them that they’ll be welcome. They’ll jump at the chance to visit your home, and sometimes they can turn up a buyer among their friends.
Quick tips for showings and open houses:
- Clean or replace dirty or worn carpets.
- Open all curtains and blinds.
- Replace any burned out light bulbs and turn on all lights.
- Clear all clutter.
- Clear all countertops.
- Wash and put away any dirty dishes.
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